professional work

Hello an welcome to my website
In brief, i'll present all my working experience and general life spread along 20 years of interdisciplinary and self taught course.
Formally, I am an Architect and an electronic technician. Practically, I managed to deal with Architecture, Robotics, electro-optics, industrial design, Structures, plastics, medical devices, mechanical design, military and intelligence design
visit my pages inside the work portfolio section pages to get idea about my professional life
As always I am inventing myself from scratch and never know what or where the flow of life will guide me through.
Along the years I had many chances to invent, create, train, teach, educate and perform in many fields, varying from technical, artistic and even social.
My motto is based on the say that: IN OUR WORLD EVERYTHING IS RIGHT AND POSSIBLE.
As anyone can see, it is a say that can be easily argued, due to cultural backgrounds and life experienced by each of us.
This simple, yet profound say, guides my life to find solutions to people and business in a creative, out of the box thinking and by inter combining many fields of expertise at once
Sometimes I get lost, too many tasks, too different one from the other, too complicated yet variable parametric tasks and budgets, all combined to rise a nice looking functional solution to a satisfied client.
In these days I am trying to manage my time and efforts in a better way by using the assistance of Yael Agassi, a vast experienced business escort and guidance.
In brief, i'll present all my working experience and general life spread along 20 years of interdisciplinary and self taught course.
Formally, I am an Architect and an electronic technician. Practically, I managed to deal with Architecture, Robotics, electro-optics, industrial design, Structures, plastics, medical devices, mechanical design, military and intelligence design
visit my pages inside the work portfolio section pages to get idea about my professional life
As always I am inventing myself from scratch and never know what or where the flow of life will guide me through.
Along the years I had many chances to invent, create, train, teach, educate and perform in many fields, varying from technical, artistic and even social.
My motto is based on the say that: IN OUR WORLD EVERYTHING IS RIGHT AND POSSIBLE.
As anyone can see, it is a say that can be easily argued, due to cultural backgrounds and life experienced by each of us.
This simple, yet profound say, guides my life to find solutions to people and business in a creative, out of the box thinking and by inter combining many fields of expertise at once
Sometimes I get lost, too many tasks, too different one from the other, too complicated yet variable parametric tasks and budgets, all combined to rise a nice looking functional solution to a satisfied client.
In these days I am trying to manage my time and efforts in a better way by using the assistance of Yael Agassi, a vast experienced business escort and guidance.